独家观察!Pimco重磅预测:日本央行今年将加息两次 日债收益率料升至1.25%

博主:admin admin 2024-07-08 22:08:17 756 0条评论

Pimco重磅预测:日本央行今年将加息两次 日债收益率料升至1.25%

北京,2024年6月14日讯 据路透社报道,全球知名资产管理公司Pimco今日发布研报,预计日本央行今年将再加息两次,分别在7月和12月或明年1月,将政策利率提高至0.5%。Pimco日本和亚太投资组合管理联席主管Tomoya Masanao表示,此举将有助于提振日本国债收益率,并吸引投资者重返日本债券市场。



Pimco的预测与近期市场预期一致。 多家机构分析师认为,日本央行在今年下半年加息的可能性很高,主要原因是日本国内通胀压力上升以及美联储加息步伐加快。


  • **日本国债收益率上升:**日本国债收益率上升将使日本政府的借贷成本增加,但同时也可能吸引更多投资者买入日本国债,从而缓解日本政府的债务压力。
  • **日元升值:**日元利率上升通常会导致日元升值。日元升值将有利于进口商,但不利于出口商。
  • **股市波动:**日本股市可能会出现短期波动,但长期来看,股市的走势仍将取决于日本经济的基本面。



  • **日本国内通胀形势:**如果日本国内通胀继续上升,日本央行加息的可能性将增加。
  • **美国货币政策:**如果美联储继续加快加息步伐,日本央行可能会跟随加息。
  • **日本经济增长情况:**如果日本经济增长放缓,日本央行可能会推迟加息步伐。


A Wave of "Kete Valuation" Sweeps Through the Market: 50 Stocks Poised for Strong Growth

Shanghai, China - June 17, 2024 - A recent surge in investor sentiment towards growth stocks, particularly in the healthcare and technology sectors, has been dubbed the "Kete Valuation" phenomenon, named after the Chinese pharmaceutical company C-Bridge (6160.HK). This trend is reminiscent of the "CATL Valuation" rally that occurred in 2021, driven by the strong performance of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Ltd. (300015.SZ).

The "Kete Valuation" is characterized by a sharp increase in the share prices of companies with promising growth prospects, often defying broader market trends. This is evident in the recent performance of 50 stocks identified by analysts as having significant growth potential. These stocks, spanning various industries including healthcare, technology, and consumer goods, have exhibited remarkable resilience amidst recent market volatility.

Factors Driving the "Kete Valuation"

Several factors are contributing to the "Kete Valuation" trend. Firstly, investors are increasingly seeking out companies that can deliver sustainable growth, particularly in the face of global economic uncertainties. Secondly, the easing of monetary policy in major economies is providing a supportive backdrop for riskier assets like growth stocks. Additionally, advancements in technology and innovation are creating new opportunities for companies in various sectors, fueling investor optimism.

Key Beneficiaries of the "Kete Valuation"

Among the 50 stocks identified as potential beneficiaries of the "Kete Valuation," C-Bridge (6160.HK) stands out as a frontrunner. The company's innovative cancer therapies and strong pipeline of new drugs have attracted significant investor interest. Other notable stocks include:

  • Ascletis Pharma (1672.HK): A clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel therapies for cancer and viral diseases.

  • Aier Eye Hospital Group (300015.SZ): A leading provider of comprehensive eye care services in China.

  • Xiaomi Corporation (1810.HK): A global technology company known for its smartphones, smart home devices, and internet services.

Investment Implications

The "Kete Valuation" presents an opportunity for investors to capitalize on the growth potential of select companies. However, careful due diligence is crucial, as not all growth stocks are created equal. Investors should thoroughly evaluate a company's financial health, competitive landscape, and long-term growth prospects before making investment decisions.

The "Kete Valuation" highlights the evolving dynamics of the Chinese stock market, where investors are increasingly discerning and seeking out companies with genuine growth potential. This trend is likely to continue as China's economy transitions towards a more innovation-driven and knowledge-based model.

The End

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